Sunday, January 28, 2018

Knock Knock

Happy to report that I actually made the submission deadline today for the small works exhibit ("#50 @ $50"). My goal was to make three new pieces, and I kind of did. Among them "Change the Story," which I posted a couple of days ago, and this one: "Knock Knock."

The third one I couldn't get where I wanted it to be and decided to work on it some more tomorrow.
So I entered "Night and Day" instead, a small mixed media piece based on a record sleeve that I had made last Fall.

"Knock Knock"
Acrylics, fly leaf, book clippings, ink, on canvas panel,
5" x 5"

1 comment:

  1. I really like this. Sort of stopped me in my tracks, sat thinking for a few minutes. LOL. Fingers crossed for you!!! Best of luck Christiane :)
