Tuesday, February 11, 2020


This is #5 for the 30-in-30 days challenge, and this is day 11. I've had too much on my agenda to even think about blogging. And actually, this day is not different. So what should I do in  the middle of all this stress that I am currently having? Yes that's right, the right thing to do now is to sit down at our kitchen table, sharing a few minutes with my husband who has turned the radio on and poured me some nice coffee into my chipped favorite mug. Hold me now warm my heart stay with me. Someone is singing, I forgot who. Meanwhile, the soft rain is making little ponds in our flowerbeds for the birds to bathe in.

I made this piece about hopes. Sometimes hope is all we have to keep going. Even if there doesn't seem to be a reasonable basis to have these hopes, you may let yourself fall into something unknown, hoping that the place where you are going to land is going to be better than the place where you came from.

The children which I have chosen for this image all have bare feet to emphasize their ungroundedness. They also have open hands to show their vulnerability. 

Clippings from storybooks, sewing thread, ink, on the hardcover back of a 1960's LIFE World Library book.

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