Wednesday, February 5, 2020

You Should Be Dancing

Two days late but here is my piece for ...

Day 3 of the 30-in-30 challenge.

I am enjoying the theme I have chosen for this challenge. I have lots of ideas in my head what to do with the globe on those "LIFE" hardcovers. I was occupied with ART-ON-45-related things yesterday and also the day before but managed to finish up two pieces this morning. And: my piece for today is half way done already, too!

So. For this one I did the most obvious and considered the globe a disco ball. I found some groovy young folks in several 70s school books; of course, originally, they were not disco dancing but walking to the library, playing ball, or running in the park.

I added different size O's for the light reflections and to make a sociological/psychological/ political/environmental/historical reference. "O" is a typical sound in German language (and in other languages too) to express pain, empathy, or sorrow. There's a lot of all that in the world. But we should be dancing nevertheless and even more so.

"You Should Be Dancing"
Clippings from various 70s school and storybooks, sewing thread, ink, on the hardcover back of a 1960's LIFE world library book.

1 comment:

  1. We can think about all that tOmOrrOw. Today we dance! Love it Christiane :) Dance has always been a way to celebrate, and a way to distract us, for a short time, from the worries of life :)
