Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Looking good

Jacob read what I wrote last time about him being a stand-up comedian, and he said, yeah, you are right, only that I am more of a sit-down kind of comedian. Indeed, he likes to be comfortable, likes to unwind. When Jacob was just born and placed under the heating lamp, he tucked one of his little hands under his head and crossed his legs, ready to lounge. Well, he had to relax for sure, being born is no easy business.

Yesterday afternoon, while Mona was rehearsing her singing and dancing for next week's Lion King performances, Jacob and I were watching an episode of The  Amazing Gumball. A blue cat and his legged goldfish friend were interacting with an upside down human head dressed in old lady clothes from the nose down. There were two fake eyes on the chin above the solely exposed mouth. It was very weird and very terrific. Jacob likes that kind of thing, and so do I. Actually, all our family loves wacky stuff like that. This is one way how we get in touch with each other and lift each other's spirits.

For example, when I was looking for Mona's hairbrush this morning, I found it in her drawer with a friendly smile on its face. Thank you. Good Morning to you, too.

Or this: When Jacob was born ten years ago, we also got a new vacuum cleaner, a Dyson. We were about to move from Chicago, Illinois, to Ruston, Louisiana, and wanted to be prepared, whatever that means. It was a stressful time for my husband and me, having the first baby, and wrapping up our Chicago life. In the middle of all this, Markus, my husband, bought a set of huge googly eyes to give our Dyson a face. I will always love Markus for that. It was such a happy moment in our lives, and I am not exaggerating when I say that this happy moment has carried us through the difficult times. Because you need to vacuum once in a while, in good times or in bad times. Just plug in the Dyson and suck in a good mood.

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