Thursday, June 15, 2017

Undo - Done!

This afternoon I dropped off my "Undo" sculpture for the "Peach Art Exhibition." It is an annual event, happening around the time when the "Peach Festival" is going on. And the Peach Festival is a celebration of, well, you've guessed it, of the most glorious fruit, which is the peach. This year the Peach Festival is going to be held as a memorial service as there are hardly any local peaches this year due to the very weird weather that we have been having here in Louisiana.

Anyways, the Peach Art Exhibition is a fine art show organized by the Arts Council, and people of all ages and of all experience levels are invited to compete. There are awards and prizes to win, and altogether it sounds like a lot of fun.

I have entered a sculpture. When I drove it to the venue, it was sitting next to me on the passenger seat with big pillows all around for padding. I didn't buckle it up, and the car didn't make that noise that it usually makes when something or someone is sitting there without the safety belt on. I guess, the car sensed that, in a way, the passenger was not really there. - I made a sculpture of my birth father who I never met.

I am not angry with him, and not disappointed, at least not anymore. I only wonder about him. I don't have a picture of him, don't know much about him. I know that he was there in my life very briefly and a very long time ago. And I was told that I got his blue eyes.

For "Undo" I made a solid paper mache torso. I wanted to give him a light weight to represent his minor presence in my life. I dressed him in an uncomfortable itchy jute sweater that is fitting like a straitjacket. He could unravel his restraint but decides not to.  This is how I am feeling about him, a father who has not brought himself to embrace his daughter.

Mixed Media: lunch bags and newspapers, wall-size, ink, acrylics, colored pencils, jute twine, nail, book clippings, old wooden container.

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