Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hear Me Sing

Day 4 of the 30-in-30 challenge.

The experience of not being heard is one of the hardest, I find. I find it especially hard when this happens in your immediate surroundings, in an environment that you have known and loved for long because it feels like home. You love and appreciate the people there, the ones who have created this environment and who have made you a part of it too. And then things are changing because of irresponsible decisions made by a few people in power, and the changes are not good.

And you want to help make things good again, you want to protect the people you love, you make suggestions, you get involved, you voice your opinion, you explain your concerns, you discuss and argue, and you show and say how you feel. Still, things continue to change, and the changes are not good.

Sometimes you can't change things, you can just walk away.

"Hear Me Sing"
Clippings from storybooks and catalogs, sewing thread, on the hardcover back of a 1960's LIFE World Library book.


  1. My new favorite Christiane. Oh my, that is so relevant to a situation going on in our development right now. The people are not being heard.
    And personally too... I think we can all relate to this in one way or another. And beyond that, well at first sight, this is a declaration. I am going to sing my song no matter what. Even if there is no one there to listen. I will sing out in jubilation! Awesome work my friend :)

  2. Yes, it's a declaration. Not a loud one maybe, but loud or not loud, it doesn't matter if people are willing to listen. - Thank you for liking it! :-)
