Thursday, September 14, 2017

Screen Time

Day 14

of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge, yes! And, so far things have been going well. Two intense weeks, I knew it would be like this, but it has been a very productive time, and that's the important aspect.

This little piece I made about the modern concept of "Screen Time." Our kids don't really have an issue with getting too much of it, not on a daily basis at least. Once in a while they certainly would watch one Teen Titans Go episode too many, which is excusable because it's a really funny cartoon. And I have to admit that we let the kids chase something or someone on their nintendos during those precious Saturday morning hours when my husband Markus and I are trying to sleep in.

If someone in our family has screen time issues it's probably Markus and I, because we are consuming way too much news these days.

Now look at this little guy throwing a fit when his mom (or wife?) tells him that he is not going to find out if Tinman will finally get his heart simply because screen time's up. Not fair!

"Screen Time"
Watercolor, ink, book clippings, on watercolor paper, 17" x 5.5"

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