Friday, September 14, 2018

To Have and To Hold

30 Paintings in 30 Days, hosted by fabulous artist Leslie Saeta.
Day Fourteen:  "To Have and To Hold"
I found some doll-making instructions in a seventies' craft book and loved the armless look of the creature on step 5. Instant bride for my nifty little troll, I thought. 

"To Have and To Hold"
Mixed media: watercolor, book clippings, ink, on watercolor paper, 9.25" x 5.5"



  1. I love the little troll. He’s so twisted and perfect. I wonder what his face would look like...

  2. He looks a little grumpy and ungroomed. But he is tame, I'm sure.

  3. Ha ha ha. How is she gonna hold him. Bet he is thinkin' on it. He looks slightly creepy but Troll indeed. Dig his boot tho' :)
